Scope of Application of Color Sorter Machine

scanning: time:2023-06-21

1) Agriculture
The appearance of the color sorter machine was first applied to agriculture. It can also be said that the rice color sorter machine was born for agriculture. The main color sorting materials include rice, miscellaneous grains, tea, beans, nuts, seeds, medicinal materials, seafood, etc., including a rice sorting machine, miscellaneous grains sorting machine, tea sorting machine, soybeans Color sorter, etc., one machine for multiple purposes.

2) Industry
Garbage classification and recycling are becoming more and more popular. Many businesses have created business opportunities from garbage and started to use them in plastics, minerals, plastic particles, and other industries.

3) Handicraft market
Later, people discovered that as long as there is a difference in color, the rice color sorter can pick it out, like Buddhist beads, jewelry, etc.

4) Flowers
The petals have distinct colors, which can be picked out by the color sorter